DIY Reed Diffuser

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This is the simplest DIY I've ever created! This reed diffuser uses only three ingredients! If you hate artificial air fresheners and prefer to use natural household products, this DIY Essential Oil Reed Diffuser would be a great project to make. Plus it's easier than burning a scented candle.

Materials Needed

  • Vessel (oblong neck is best)
  • 5 Reed Sticks
  • 20 Drops of 100% Pure Essential Oil (I used Cedarwood)
  • 1/4 cup Warm Water
  • 1/4 cup of Vodka

Grab a mixing cup and pour in the warm water, vodka, and essential oil. Mix it until fully combined. Pour mixture into vessel and drop in sticks. That's it folks! It takes a while for the oil to work its way up the sticks, so be patient. I flip my sticks every few days! 

Feel free to use these images for your pinning pleasure! 

hometohem DIY Reed Diffuser Pinterest
hometohem diy reed diffuser 2


Thanks for stopping by! p.s. I'm on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest (@hometohem), come say hi! 😁


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