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Minimalist Winter Style | 10x10 Capsule Collection

If you follow along on my YouTube channel, you know all about the 10x10 challenge I partake in every season. I got the idea from Caroline, one of my favorite peeps on the internet, and it's been a game changer ever since I discovered it. It makes getting dressed easy and gives you a reason to fall in love with your wardrobe, all over again. Basically, you take ten pieces of clothing and shoes (not accessories) and mix ten outfits for ten days.  If you want to see some of my past collections, you can find the posts here on the blog or my YouTube channel


1 Blazer

2 Buttondowns

2 Tops

2 Bottoms

1 Skirt

2 (pairs of) Shoes



p.s. I'm on YouTube,  InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest (@hometohem), come say hi! 😁